Project 365 with Two-Megapixel Camera

I’m envious though aside from it is fun I can’t devise another reasons why every human being should take a picture everyday for a year. It’s a waste of time and energy. I am too lazy; and to some DSLR cam is a necessity, yet my cam phone is still a camera that flashes and flickers and captures. How a photo can occur better than mediocre is a challenge. I like that. But I am too lazy and doing it religiously everyday for 365 days is quite demanding. Nonetheless, I’m thinking of giving it a try but scheming to painfully oblige myself to the point of arduousness is another thing.

Project 1: He put a C in the sky

After the heavy rain, I looked up from the third floor of our home. Sun shone again with thick Cumulus clouds trying to cover its incandescence. ‘God, what’s Your message for me today?’ The Lord has His own enigmatic ways of conveying His message through His own creatures. I have faith that He wants me to continue, to go on with plenty of plans I conceive in my heart. And though I might fail, crash, who cares. The important is I have a chance to take a crack at it. How did I know that? ‘Cause He put a C in the sky. Haha!

Credo for 2012

2011 ended. Time fiddled away and my plans unexpectedly didn’t work out. Could it be a sin if I sometimes do question my faith? The Bible says ‘ask and believe it will be given to you’. Some people prayed for something to happen but it didn’t happen and they would ponder ‘oh God has better plans for me’. And other people did not even believe in praying and they just wished upon the stars and it didn’t also happen. What’s the huge difference between praying and not praying when both have the same result? Oh God has better plans for me?

Now I develop another goals for this year. Start all over again. Maybe 2011 wasn’t my year. I gingerly schemed which I consider I should undo, redo, unlearn and relearn to attain my objective this time as the song of Fall Out Boy echoed in my head:

One night and one more time

Thanks for the memories

even though they weren’t so great…

My friend (in my dreams) has a Credo, a personal statement of belief. He has set himself a task of writing it every spring for many years. My admiration for him urged me to muster enough courage to write my own Credo, instead of rewriting my worn out new year resolution. Mine is absurd compared to his but I keep working at it (yep, he said that too in his book). Here’s my Credo:

The existence of God is not fathomed by unanswered prayers, undeserved criticisms and devastating frustrations. Whether I pray or otherwise. No matter I lose my religion and adhere to atheism. Humanity, law of gravity, theology do not change. My belief only does. It can’t be enough to change the way of life, making life less unfair. And thus the big difference between praying and not praying when both have similar outcome is faith. Faith overpowers knowledge. Faith truimphs over positive thinking or wishful thinking. Faith forbears fear. Hope comes from faith and faith comes from the divine love for the Supreme Being who has better plans for me this year.